Valorization and incorporation of slurry with the new HICA locator
Keeping the focus and the trend in Europe on organic fertilization, Herculano has developed the HICA product.
This equipment, known as liquid slurry locator/injector, equipped with 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 or 15 anchors of the chisel type with injectors, with or without a doser, allows a more homogeneous distribution of slurry in the soil.
Idealized for the most diverse types of terrain and areas, they allow the choice of several options, such as sega discs, dosers, filters, and others.
If we associate the GREEN PRECISION system to the tank/locator set, a recent product that fits into what is now called "Agriculture 4.0", we will allow in real time a location of the slurry on the ground according to the tractor's advance, achieving a distribution of all nutrients: Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, in the quantity chosen by the operator, greatly reducing losses by evaporation, minimizing the environmental impact and improving soil fertilization.
As we know, the cost of chemical fertilizers has been skyrocketing, which has awakened the need to increasingly value the use of natural fertilizers, liquid and solid slurries, rich in macronutrients. Today all over Europe we are witnessing a radical change in this sense.
Distribution through locators or injectors is the ideal solution, because we benefit from the reduction of odors, associated with better use of nutrients, savings in resources, less wear and tear on machinery, and less soil compaction. A more sustainable agriculture, with greater yield!