Herculano and the DPA system: always in control, helping the environment!

One of the current problems in agriculture is the utilization of organic fertilizers. On the one hand, the disorganized placement of slurry and manure can cause environmental and agronomic damage, with adverse excess or loss in nutritional benefit to crops. On the other hand, the non-use of these effluents can bring costs in their treatment and in the increase of inorganic fertilizers.
Today's agriculture aims to make the most of available resources in order to maximize crop yields without harming the environment.
For over fifty years, Herculano has been helping farmers solve their problems. Herculano has always been at the forefront of agricultural implement technology and, with the move towards agriculture 4.0, decided to create the "GREEN PRECISION" line. This line includes the DPA system, applicable to tanks and spreaders.
The DPA system (Debit Proportional to Advance) is a system that allows the same amount of slurry (tanks) or manure (spreaders) to be placed at all times, regardless of the tractor's speed. Until now, when the tractor stopped, it was necessary to close a valve or stop the conveyor, often creating puddles with accumulation of organic matter.
Another frequent problem is terrain variation (ramps, inclines, tight curves, etc.). It is very difficult for the driver to maintain a constant speed at all times in order to distribute the organic material evenly over each terrain.
With the DPA system, Herculano has come up with an answer to these and other problems. The DPA system varies the distribution of organic matter according to the speed of the tractor. It increases the distribution as the tractor speed increases, and decreases it to zero if the tractor slows down and stops.
This system allows the driver to be aware of the driving rather than the amount they are putting in, knowing that they are in control automatically, more safely, more efficiently, while at the same time helping nature.
Check out Herculano and find out how the DPA system can help you make the most of natural resources, protect nature and reduce your bill for inorganic fertilizers.