

Assuming innovation to be an integral part of our essence and crucial to the development of our business, we dedicate ourselves daily to discovering new solutions that add value to our equipment and, of course, to those who work with it. This is one of the reasons why Herculano is now recognized as a manufacturer of reliable, long-lasting and top-quality agricultural equipment.

To this end, we rely not only on an in-house team, but also on partners such as universities and institutes to develop innovative projects.

EU Co-financed Projects

Project description: The need to reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), is based on the common goal of achieving a world economy with reduced emissions, promoting the energy transition through energy efficiency. The transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 will require major efforts from all sectors, as well as the use of all available emission-free or carbon-neutral technologies. To this end, and with the aim of continuing its work towards environmental responsibility, Herculano intends to implement a series of measures aimed at energy efficiency and the incorporation of renewable energy sources into the process.
Results: Estimated annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Target to be achieved: 454 tons of CO2 equivalent); Annual reduction in final energy consumption (Target to be achieved: 243 tons of oil equivalent); Power installed in self-consumption production units (UPAC) (Target to be achieved: 500 KWp).

EU Co-financed Projects

Project description: With this project, Herculano - Alfaias Agrícolas S.A. intends to boost its transition to the digital world. With the implementation of a digital transformation project focusing on the most varied components of this environment. The investment will enable organizational and process innovation that will materialize in investments for the integrated implementation of Industry 4.0 technological solutions, with the incorporation of advanced digital technologies. The project thus supports the introduction of new technologies, facilitating decision-making and the optimization of internal management processes.
Results: New products (with the intervention of new product configuration software, the digitalization of engineering processes and the design of solutions); Introduction of new equipment (touschscreen equipment optimizing operational processes); Immediate/online data analysis (through the graphical analysis of the Business Intelligence tool).

Vine and Wine Portugal

Project name: Vine and Wine Portugal - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation
Project number: 67
AAC: 02/C05-i01/2022
Main objective: To increase the competitiveness and resilience of the vine and wine sector in Portugal.
Region of intervention: North, Center, Lisbon and Alentejo
Lead promoter: GRANVINHOS, LDA
Total eligible cost: €76 846 502.31
Total financial support from the European Union (NextGenerationEU): €40 982 283.71
Eligible cost: 291 876.34€
Financial support from the European Union (NextGenerationEU): 122 581.88€

Expected results:
1. Development of 30 new products and services;
2. Increase in exports;
3. Creation of highly qualified jobs;
4. Reduction of environmental impacts in the sector.

Green Precision Slurry Tanker

Innovative slurry distribution system, where it is possible to adjust the quantity according to the needs of each specific location, enhancing the nutrients while protecting the crops from excess nutrients.
This equipment is also equipped with the proportional advance distribution system (DPA), where there is also a spreading control according to the tractor speed.

● Spreading precision
● Compliance with European standards
● Environmental protection
● Monitoring console (ISOBUS systems)
● Increased yield: right time, right amount, right place

Green Precision Manure Spreader

With the DPA (Direct Power Delivery) system on the spreaders, it is now possible to adjust the manure distribution according to the speed of the tractor. That is, until now, when the tractor stopped, it was necessary to close a valve or stop the conveyor, often creating excess accumulation of organic matter. With this system, regardless of speed, the distribution of organic matter is evenly deposited on each plot of land (whether hilly terrain, with steep inclines or tight curves).

● Uniform spreading
● Compliance with European standards
● Environmental protection
● Monitoring console
● Increased yield: right time, right amount, right place

EU Co-financed Projects

Objectives, activities and
expected/achieved results

HERCULANO-ALFAIAS AGRÍCOLAS, S.A., following an application submitted to the Operational Program of Competitiveness and Interconnection (POCI) under Research and Technological Development (Type R&D Enterprises), is developing this project co-financed by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).

This project aims at the research and development of intelligent and cost-effective slurry tankers to increase the efficiency of the fertilization operation in environmental, agronomic and economic components, in line with the principles of Farming 4.0. It is intended to develop a system that integrates conductivimeter sensors (ECa) and hyperspectral sensors (VIS-NIR) for the determination of nutrient concentrations.

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