- Pursue a quality, energy and RDI management system in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001:2015, NP EN ISO 50001:2019 and NP 4457:2007 standards, that allows to create value, produce and deliver products and services that satisfy the customer, the applicable legal requirements and the continuous improvement of performance, including efficiency, energy use and consumption;
- Ensure the availability of information and all the necessary resources to achieve the objectives and goals;
- Promote the purchase of energy-efficient products and services that contribute to improved energy performance;
- Increase the qualification of human resources, through continuous training and involvement in the company's project;
- Stimulating a culture of creativity and innovation, through an environment that is favorable to the critical spirit and initiative of the employees, that encourages teamwork and the generation of ideas and opportunities associated with them;
- Establish sustainable relationships with partners in order to leverage new opportunities for innovation;
- Continuously improve product and service quality, innovation and energy performance, and the effectiveness of the quality, energy, and RDI management system.