App My Herculano

Our vast experience in the market has allowed us to realize that the market is constantly changing. Over the last few years we have realized that more and more farmers have specific needs for the work they do. For this reason, last year we developed the most complete product catalog, including also the entire range of options that each user can complement their standard product.
From such a complete and versatile catalog, the need arose to create a complementary tool, more dynamic and easy to use - a smartphone application.
This app was developed with farmers and distributors in mind Herculano, with the aim of speeding up the process of configuring and purchasing our equipment. Through a very quick and intuitive system, users can select the features that will complement their standard equipment.
Through this application, the user can access a number of functionalities, namely the consultation of the entire range of products, specific characteristics of each standard model, and options available for each of them, configuring the product according to your real needs.
We invite you to download the application via the link below and explore all the features.
- GooglePlay:
- App Store:
- AppGallery: