European type approval: framework and main changes


What is it?

Regulation (EU) No. 167/2013 on type-approval and market surveillance of agricultural and forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed equipment sets out the technical and administrative provisions for type-approval in the European union (EU), allowing manufacturers to take advantage of the benefits of the European internal market via such type-approval.

According to European regulation, trailers and interchangeable towed equipment are considered category R and S vehicles. This differentiation of categories is important because different specific requirements apply depending on the vehicle category.

This regulation makes it possible to obtain European type approval for R and S category vehicles, which until now could only be subject to national type approval.

It aims to simplify and homogenize vehicle type-approval procedures on a European level in order to ensure a high level of functional safety, occupational safety and environmental protection.

It also introduces some important new features, especially as far as agricultural machinery manufacturers are concerned, and its application affects end users as well.


In particular, this regulation covers the following aspects related to trailers (category R) and agricultural equipment (category S):

  • Maximum Permissible Loaded Masses
  • Dimensions
  • Braking Systems
  • Maximum rated speed
  • Approved coupling devices

The regulation is accompanied by specific technical legal acts (the delegated acts), which complete the legislation by specifying the details of the requirements to be met.

As a result, vehicles that have received European type approval can thus be marketed in all member states without having to meet additional requirements. Only their use on the road may be subject to the requirements of national authorities, such as the applicable highway code.


When did it take effect?

The regulation was published, in the European Official Journal, in February 2013, but only applicable from January 1, 2016, setting a 2-year transition period to allow manufacturers to adapt to the new legislation.

Since January 2018, European homologation has become mandatory for new agricultural tractors.

In the case of interchangeable trailers and towed equipment their application has been optional since January 2016, as they can continue to be type-approved according to the legislation of each country, but with their validity limited to their own country. However, if European type approval is chosen, then this will be valid in all EU countries.


Some changes made

Masses and Dimensions

The maximum dimensions of any R-category vehicle are as follows:

  • Length: 12 m;
  • Width: 2.55 m or 3 m provided that tires are used for soil protection or the existence of tools necessary for the operation of the vehicle and comply with Directive 2006/42/EC;
  • Height: 4 m.

In the case of interchangeable towed equipment (category S), the maximum dimensions are:

  • Length: 12 m;
  • Width: 3 m (without taking into account the deflected parts of the tire walls at the point of contact with the ground);
  • Height: 4 m.

The maximum permissible mass for R- and S-category single-axle vehicles is 10 t or 11.5 t depending on whether it is equipped with a non-driven or driven axle.

The maximum permissible mass for 2-axle and 3-axle vehicles is 18 t and 24 t, respectively, when laden.

For vehicles of categories R and S, rigid drawbar towed and centre-axle towed, the maximum permissible mass of the vehicle is considered to be equal to the sum of the maximum permissible masses per axle. In other words, the significant static vertical load imposed on the tractor must be taken into account when approving the tractor.


Braking Systems

Some relevant changes concern braking devices and response times in brake tests. The European regulation details the requirements for the different types of brakes, depending on the maximum permissible mass: mechanical, inertia, hydraulic and pneumatic.

The European homologation requires for hydraulic or pneumatic braking systems, double pipe connections.


Maximum rated speed

The regulation introduces new speed limits, in some cases higher than those allowed in some member countries of the European community.

However, even though the regulation is valid for all EU member states, its application has to take the applicable national legislation into consideration. Therefore, even if a trailer is approved with a higher maximum rated speed, the speed limit at which it can run is in any case legislated at the national level and under the full responsibility of the driver.


Approved coupling devices

To ensure the correct coupling of the tractor and trailer or towed equipment, the regulation provides for the application of approved coupling devices and the different types of hooks that can be installed on tractors.


Herculano seeks to adopt the best solutions to provide efficient trailers and agricultural machines in line with the latest requirements.

With the objective of demonstrating reliability and safety to the market, positioning itself at the level of the most important brands in the world market, Herculano has several vehicles certified according to European homologation.


The strategic option to consider the European homologation in the regulatory certification of the products Herculano, represents the alignment of the organization with the European markets, privileging the standardization of the product by quality standards and safety of use of excellence.


Marisa Santos

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