Green precision | We value your livestock effluents


Slurry is itself a renewable source of fertilizing elements. Well managed, it strongly limits the use of mineral fertilizers, particularly nitrogenous ones.

A livestock effluent is a mixture of manure from intensively farmed animals, washing water, food waste, and sometimes some straw, containing the nutrients necessary for plant growth, namely the macronutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

However, it is sometimes controversial when applied near residential areas because of the odors it releases when sprayed from the air, commonly known as fan distribution.

Currently Herculano manufactures for its slurry tankers: disc or anchor burial locators, ground ejection meadow locators, and also markets the entire Vogelsang (German manufacturer) range of localized distribution bars.

Their beneficial effects in fertilizing value, are now recognized by farmers in general, as they add organic matter to the soil counteracting its degradation, infertility, and erosion.

The environmental pressure resulting from the exaggerated application/disposal of slurry, particularly in intensive cattle or pig farming areas, made us work towards the following solutions:


  • Green Precision BASIC

Composed of a module that is very simple to install and use. Using a smartphone (or optional tablet), it shows the operator the slurry analysis with Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus values, allowing him in real time to decide the amount to distribute in the field, fertilizing the plot of land correctly, according to the management of the automatic/electronic manure.


  • Green Precision PRO

It is an equally simple and easy to install, more complete product that offers more valuable information for correct fertilization on the plot. After analyzing the macronutrients present in the slurry, the GPS/Bluetooth system automatically calculates the quantity to be distributed according to the tractor speed.


Click here to download the information brochure.

Engº Teixeira Marques

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